
This is Plane Hell Action ~ South East or PHASE.   We campaign  to remove concentrated Flight Paths over South East London.

Click here to read the South London Press report on our ‘No To Night Flights’ campaign.

Click here to see suggested text for a new version of the Sample Letter to your MP following recent developments in airspace design and flight patterns.

Click here to download a Word version of the above Sample Letter to your MP that you can edit and send to your MP (May 2020). 

Read more ABOUT this campaign and let us know if you also feel there are too many planes in the skies over South and East London by completing our CONTACT form.

If you are fed up with plane noise over your head, then this is your voice…..

by Josephine.

You may have noticed a difference in the flight paths used by planes travelling to Heathrow or London City airports in the skies under which you live. The planes may seem more concentrated and less dispersed than before such that they can be seen and heard in nose-to-tail queues overhead?

Do you feel let down by governments that don’t care that your health and well-being is affected by plane noise?

And maybe we appear to have government more concerned with the well-being of passengers on planes and greedy for the profits from Heathrow and London City airports?

Too Early – Too Late – Too Many – Too Noisy –  Too Low?  Would you like …

  • To live in a less noisy and healthier environment – both indoors and outdoors…
  • To be able to get 8 hours of sleep – undisturbed by a single plane overhead…
  • To be able to hear the TV inside your home…
  • To be able to sit in a garden and hear the birds again…
  • To not feel noise induced anxiety or annoyance in your own home, then ….

Plane Hell Action is a voice for you if you live in the London boroughs of Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham and Greenwich or elsewhere in South East London.

PLEASE sign our PETITION to the Minister for Aviation.

Heathrow and our politicians are waking up to the fact that this activity over South East London is harmful to communities and is blatantly unfair but we need more noise from you to make something happen for the better.

Heathrow Flight Paths over South East London
Heathrow Flight Paths on Westerlies over SE London (Red)


Plane Hell Action South East – PHASE – is campaigning against concentrated flight paths over South East London. We want to ensure that the wellbeing of residents in South East London becomes a No 1 Priority for our politicians and government.

Anyone living under a flight path will tell you one thing: it’s plane hell. For residents of Camberwell, Oval, Kennington, Brockwell, Stockwell, Dulwich and many other areas in South London it’s fast becoming a nightmare.  It’s time for action.  We want the wellbeing of people on the ground to be recognized.  All too often we hear about how people using airports and planes must have better facilities and comforts.  But what about us poor residents in our homes who are trying to have productive lives while surrounded by noise and irritation from these flying monsters?  Do we benefit from their presence in our airspace? No, far from it – they are destroying our lives, making things difficult to achieve, stopping us from working, thinking, sleeping or playing.

What is all this noise about?  Why do we tolerate it? Lets get rid of it!

Plane Hell Action is an extension of the Camberwell-based campaign known as Plane Hell   where in 2016 local residents noticed an increase in the number of planes flying over a particular part of Camberwell, almost without a break, and starting as early as 4.30am.

Plane Hell Action SE aims to …..

  • Make the wellbeing of residents affected by flight paths to Heathrow and London City Airports a top priority for the government.
  • Enable residents to achieve at least 7 hours sleep, the minimum recommended by WHO (World Health Organisation) for good health, and ban all flights between 11pm – 6am (better still 7am).
  • Ensure any remaining night routes avoid populated areas to mitigate the impact of aircraft noise.
  • Keep aircraft higher for longer by utilising Continuous Descent Approaches which reduce noise because they require less engine thrust.
  • An end to flight path concentration over residential areas.
  • Stop the impact on mental and physical health caused by aircraft noise and aircraft pollution flying low over residential areas and keep planes above 6000 feet.
  • Ensure aircraft noise reduction for all flights under 6000 feet.

To find out more, please contact Plane Hell Action South East here.


Latest News


Consultation Response to Bridging Regime 2025+

Feedback to HAL Stage 2 Extraordinary Engagement

Response to Night Flights Consultation 2021

PLANE HELL ACTION SAY NO TO NIGHT FLIGHTS as featured in the South London Press report below. 


!!***!! Our response to the London City Airport Future Skies Design Principles consultation can be found Here.

!!!!!!!!!  GLA Environment Committee has JUST published a Twitter, Instagram and Facebook poll with a post that expresses that the consultation process has thus far been far too complicated, and that asks the question simply: Do you want Heathrow Airport to expand?

We would like to ask interested stakeholders in the opposition to the expansion to get on board to give the poll some momentum and of course to ensure it aligns with our shared goals.

Twitter poll: https://twitter.com/LondonAssembly/status/1161916697915383810

Instagram poll (end of our story): https://www.instagram.com/stories/londonassembly/

Facebook poll: https://www.facebook.com/london.assembly/posts/2825171930845956

Below here is social media content for sharing on your own channels, and we ask that you participate in the polls as soon as possible, as it will only be open for one day!

For your review:

Link to our letter: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/heathrow_expansion_plans_consultation_letter_final.pdf

Link to our press release: https://www.london.gov.uk/press-releases/assembly/expanding-heathrow-airport-is-the-wrong-move

Link to social media package of assets you can use

-graphics, videos, blogs to share on social media

WE have responded to the 2019 CAA consultation about PPR – Planned and Permanent Redistribution. See our response here. PPR is a process that the CAA aim to apply where Airspace Service Providers such as airports want to make changes to the way planes arrive and depart from airports.  The process, due to be active from November 2019, will mean that proposed changes are likely to require consultation.  All of this is NOT GOOD for residents as consulted-on changes will be VERY DIFFICULT to UNDO.  Changes such as these are likely to create more noise and pollution over less people – an inhumane Government policy that must be challenged now.  

Here is our HOW-TO-RESPOND guide to the  Heathrow Airspace and Future Operations Consultation of 2019.  The guide describes the context of each question with information about how airspace changes will affect us.  It  gives sample answers that are relevant for residents of South East London.  The response deadline is 4th March 2019.

HELP FRIENDS of the EARTH to OPPOSE HEATHROW EXPANSION at the High Court in March by visiting their web-site and completing this sentence I oppose Heathrow expansion because...

NEW Heathrow consultation that you can read here:  IPA – Design Principles briefing pack (Oct 18).

IPA allows closer spacing of planes particularly during the peak hour of 0600-0700 hrs.

Email any comments about this document to airspace@heathrow.com by Friday 9th November.

Plane Hell Action is concerned that the LHR flight path design principles given at the end of the document do not establish a fair distribution of noise through proportionate dispersal of flight paths.  The umbrella body, The Community Noise Group has engineered the design principle quoted below and is trying to get LHR to include it as a priority.  Please offer this principle in any response to any consultations:

“Where there is a reduction in overall noise the benefit be distributed proportionately to those already most affected and where there is an increase in overall noise the disbenefit be distributed proportionately to those already least affected.”

We have told the Heathrow Community Noise Forum in September 2018 how the people of SE London feel about the intense levels of noise inflicted on them by LHR overflight.  Our presentation mixes residents’ comments with replies to correspondence with the Department for Transport, replies that are sometimes incorrect, uninformed and copy-pasted.

Plane Hell Action is pleased to be a group member of the Aviation Environment Federation, (AEF).

Its official – we need sleep without planes as claimed in this article,  Crucial role for Nox2 and sleep deprivation in aircraft noise, from the Oxford Academic European Heart Journal.

With the Vote over and the devastating result, we at Plane Hell Action will be continuing our fair flight path campaign for relief from  aviation noise in SE London.  Plane Hell Action has been invited to share a stand with SE5 Forum on Saturday 30 June at the Wells Way street fair.  Look out for us there!

!!! IMPORTANT !!! With the vote on the 3rd runway tomorrow, Monday June 25, we encourage plane-annoyed people to write to their MP and local council Leader.  Please find some ideas about what to write here SAMPLE LETTER.

Plane Hell Action stand in Camberwell and Petition Signing
Signing Plane Hell’s Petition in Camberwell

** Plane Hell Action will be sharing a stand with SE5 Forum on Saturday 23 June at Camberwell Arts Festival, Camberwell Green.

Do come and say hello and even sign the PETITION if you haven’t done that yet!  We would be delighted to see you and welcome your support.  Here we are at last Saturday’s Oval Farmers Market to give you an idea of the action. 

** This is our new report about concentrated flight paths over South East London –  Corridors of Concentration

** Our response to the Heathrow Expansion Consultation is available here.

** Heathrow Expansion Consultation Lambeth 16th Feb

A chance to have your voice heard about NOISE  from planes in our area.  Help to influence decisions about flight path redesign that will impact our environment for years and years to come.

on Friday 16th February 12 – 8 pm

Wheatsheaf Community Hall
Wheatsheaf Lane (off South Lambeth Road),


Flight Paths
Flight Paths for a 3 Runway Heathrow Airport


On 24 October 2017 the Government published the revised draft Airports NPS and announced a period of further consultation. The revised draft Airports NPS and accompanying documents including an updated Appraisal of Sustainability can be accessed at:


The period of further consultation lasts for eight weeks and will end on 19 December 2017.

If you responded to the first consultation, you do not need to repeat points made previously, as they are considering these in full. Please note that when they consider responses to this further consultation, they may not be able to cross-refer to earlier responses because of the large numbers involved.

If you wish to respond to the consultation, please go to:


Air quality plan:



Plane Hell Action would love to hear from you if you are fed up with too many planes flying low over your homes.  You may even like to help with our campaign.  Or you may just want to know that there are others out there who feel the same and want to get relief.  We will listen and together we can try to change things for the better.  We hold regular meetings and are a very friendly group.

To contact us you can either send an email to info@planehellaction.org.uk or fill out your details on this form and we will get back to you.